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New Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy for 2025

Healing Horizons in Grand Junction, CO

Dear treasured clients,


Welcome to 2025! We are excited to continue being an integral part of your healing journey so you can participate in your life more fully! Please note the following policies/recommendations:


* All cancellations need to be made by calling the office.  A late cancellation is defined as an appointment not cancelled 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.  If you have a Monday appointment that needs to be rescheduled, please call and leave a message on our office message machine 970-256-8449. 


* Your first late cancellation or no-show appointment in each calendar year will not be charged as we certainly understand things happen in life that make it impossible or pose a significant hardship to keep our agreed session time to focus on your health. 


* After the first "free" late cancellation or no-show appointment in a calendar year, clients will be charged for the full rate of the appointment.  

* After using your first “free” late cancellation or no-show appointment and paying for a late cancellation or no-show appointment, we will ask that you have a credit card on file for scheduling future appointments. We will notify you of the late cancellation or no-show appointment and the amount prior to charging your card. 


* Also, we respectfully recommend you do not smoke cigarettes or be under the influence of any recreational mind-altering substance the day of your service so that you may reap the full benefits of the service rendered. 


With gratitude and appreciation,

Your Healing Horizons Healing Team


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